Pengiktirafan yang telah Forever Living Products perolehi :

🚩 International Aloe Science Council

🚩 Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA)

🚩 ISO14001: Environmental Management System

🚩 ISO9001-2000: Quality Management System

🚩 OHSAS 18001-1999: Workplace Health and Safety


🚩 Symbol of National Quality (Taiwan)

🚩 PETA Cruelty Free

🚩 Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

🚩 Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM)

🚩 Superbrands Award (Singapore & Hong Kong)

🚩 National Biotechnology & Medical Care 

🚩 Quality Award (Taiwan)

🚩 NFS International (GMP)

🚩 NFS International (GMP for Sport)

🚩 Malaysia Halal Certificate (JAKIM)

So gunakan tanpa waswas okeh 🥰
